ELEGANCE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnThK7c5FE8
Last week it was all about the BITCH ATTITUDE ,but the bitch only works with ELEGANCE.
Yes, men love the sexy bitch woman, but don't get us wrong, there is a bitch and there is a bitch. A man does not like a cheap trashy bitch
our friends. A man likes his woman elegant and strong. Why elegant? This is why:
* Men like their future wives to be the epitome of elegance
and grace.
* Men want to make their moms happy. A way to charm their
mother is an elegant women who knows how to impress.
* Men want to be seen
with a lady, a lady is elegant.
* Men want to take out their ladies and know she is proper.
* Men like to be seen
with a lady that is dressed chic not cheap.
* The woman a man is with reflects on who he is.
*Men may like the trashy, sexy slutty bitch but only in bed, in the dark and goodbye the next day.
Elegance never goes out of style!
"Elegance is a statement, an attitude. Elegant women are women of character with confidence'"
THE SAMUELS SISTERS- Always naughty but always nice.
THE SAMUELS SISTERS- Always naughty but always nice.